
Photo & video

Anyone visiting the afstudeerbeurs /Job Market for Young Researchers / Ghent Capital of Technology corner/ Lifelong Learning Fair automatically gives permission to be photographed and/or filmed and gives permission to use those photos and images for promotional purposes related to the afstudeerbeurs. Under no circumstances will photographs and images be shared with, nor resold to, third parties.

By registering for, and participating in, the afstudeerbeurs, you give us tacit permission to take and publish unposed, spontaneous photographs and atmospheric images. For targeted photos and interviews, we need your permission according to the Privacy Act. If group photos, close ups, individual photos are taken and/or interviews are conducted, your permission will be requested in writing on the spot.

If you would like published photographic material to be removed, please send an email to info@augent.be.


I authorise the transfer of my data to Onetec. In this way, I can have my personal visitor's badge printed at the entrance of the venue, and I can share my CV on site via a code on my badge, if I so wish. The information that is passed on is: the title of my training programme and the sector(s) in which I am interested in working.


I understand that afstudeerbeurs will store my data, and agree that this information can be stored. You can read more about how we treat your personal data here

In accordance with data protection legislation, companies and organizations participating in the afstudeerbeurs may use the data received about visitors (contact information and resume) only for providing information on relevant job offers or lifelong learning. Only the data of visitors who have given explicit permission to do so will be shared with companies and organizations that physically participated in the fair. The availability of this data is subject to a time limit; data obtained as part of the fair must be deleted from company files no later than 31 August of the academic year in which the company/organization participated in the fair.

Cancellation policy for participating companies & organizations

  • If you cancel your registration before 27/02/2025, you will not be charged a fee.
  • If you cancel your registration between 27/02/2025 and 13/03/2025, you will be charged 50% of the registration fee.
  • If you cancel your registration after 13/03/2025, you will be charged the full registration fee. No refunds will be issued.
  • Employers who are not present on the day of the event itself will be charged the full registration fee.