Company file of Teach for Belgium


Interested in:

Life Sciences & Medicine
Law, Economics & Business administration
Social & Behavioural Sciences ~ Arts & Humanities
Exact Sciences & Architecture
Young Researchers (PhDs & postdoctoral fellows)
IT, Technology and Engineering

Stand: hal 1 - job application, internships ... - 331 

+32 2 781 00 18

Company activities

Through Teach for Belgium's leadership development program, you will learn how to make an impact in your classroom, school and community. This way you become a social changemaker working on the future of education in Belgium. For 2 years, as a participant of the Teach for Belgium programme, you will teach in a school with a low socio-economic index. You will be paid for this by the Flemish Community or the Wallonia-Brussels Federation (FWB). Together with the other participants, you work to reduce social inequality in your classroom for your students.