Company file of Royal Observatory of Belgium


Interested in:

Exact Sciences & Architecture
Young Researchers (PhDs & postdoctoral fellows)
IT, Technology and Engineering

Stand: hal 1 - interuniversity Job Market for Young Researchers - 222 

02 373 67 80

Company activities

The Royal Observatory of Belgium (ORB-KSB) is an internationally renowned research institute with recognised expertise in Earth and space sciences, such as astronomy, astrophysics, planetology, geophysics, seismology, gravimetry, spatial geodesy and solar physics. The ORB-KSB also provides public services, which include time service, management of the Belgian seismic network, integration of the Belgian GNSS stations (Global Navigation Satellite Systems such as GPS and Galileo) in international reference systems, monitoring of the solar activity, space weather and diffusion of astronomical information. The ORB-KSB also manages the Planetarium at the Heysel site, in Brussels. At this fair, we present the opportunities to undertake a doctoral project at the ORB-KSB, in collaboration with Belgian universities.