Company file of Boost4beauty


Interested in:

Life Sciences & Medicine
Law, Economics & Business administration
Social & Behavioural Sciences ~ Arts & Humanities
Exact Sciences & Architecture
Young Researchers (PhDs & postdoctoral fellows)
IT, Technology and Engineering

Stand: hal 1 - job application, internships ... - 332 


Company activities

Before applying for a job, would you like to experience how one simple BODY - MIND exercise can mean? You don't know yet what career step you want to take? Who you want to go into business with? Ask your body! After a simple BODY-MIND exercise, you will take your next career step with more awareness! Sign up quickly for a 20 min session on the Boost4beauty booth. Unique approach in Body Mind connection, tips and exercises come from the SPP, somato-psychopedagogy. Liesbeth Brosens, fascia therapist and coach, and ex-sales & marketeer in the pharmaceutical industry, facilitates this 20 min session, tips are efficient and experiential. You will receive a quick boost for professional contact from your center, your body, your mindset and your intention. Boost for a professional approach. Non-verbal communication (branding yourself online) Professional speed-dating for Job Application (personal tips).