Company file of / Sciensano


Interested in:

Life Sciences & Medicine
Exact Sciences & Architecture
Young Researchers (PhDs & postdoctoral fellows)
IT, Technology and Engineering

Stand: hal 1 - interuniversity Job Market for Young Researchers - 303 

+32 2 642 51 11

Company activities

Health, science and society are central to our mission. Our focus is on the close interconnection between human and animal health and their environment. We combine different perspectives in research to contribute in a unique way to everybody’s health. We perform our assignments at 5 different levels of government (federal, regional, community level, European and international level) in the following 6 fields of action: • Health and environment • Food consumption and food safety • (Epidemiological) health and disease monitoring • Animal health • Quality of healthcare • Effectiveness and safety of vaccines, medicines and health products; and quality of medical laboratories.