Company file of Konvert NV


Interested in:

Life Sciences & Medicine
Law, Economics & Business administration
Social & Behavioural Sciences ~ Arts & Humanities
Exact Sciences & Architecture
IT, Technology and Engineering

Stand: hal 1 - general job market - 93 

Company activities

At Konvert we don’t find people for the job. We find jobs for people.. That’s why we look beyond your CV. We want to know about how you live your life, your attitude to work, what you want to achieve and what setting you would prefer to work in. So we spend a long time talking to you. In real life. And above all: we listen. That’s how we find out where your real talents lie. And what really makes you happy. After that we don’t just do our best: we do our absolute best to find that special job that is genuinely made for you. After all, that’s what it’s all about: that one perfect match. The one where you and the company really suit each other to a tee. That’s what we fight for every day. And for us, it’s personal.