Bedrijfsfiche van Legend Biotech


Geïnteresseerd in:

Geneeskunde & Gezondheidswetenschappen
Exacte Wetenschappen & Architectuur
Jonge Onderzoekers (PhD's & postdoctorale onderzoekers)
IT, Technologie en Ingenieurswetenschappen

Stand: hal 1 - algemene jobmarkt - 49  hal 1 - interuniversitaire Job Market for Young Researchers - 268 


Legend Biotech is a global biotechnology company developing, manufacturing, and commercializing innovative and life-saving cell therapies in the fight against diseases that are considered intractable and incurable, including cancer. Since our establishment in 2014 in Somerset, New Jersey, we have grown into a company of more than 1,800 employees spread across six manufacturing units worldwide. Two of these are in Ghent: Obelisc (Technologie Park, Zwijnaarde) and Tech Lane (Eilandje Zwijnaarde) In Ghent, Legend Biotech focuses on producing its advanced CAR-T therapy for the treatment of multiple myeloma, a common but difficult-to-treat blood cancer, and on bringing this live-saving therapy to patients in Europe and far beyond. Creating hope and new opportunities for patients and contributing to a future where all cancers are curable is what everyone drives here at Legend Biotech, regardless of their role or function. Apply now and join us in our mission to transform the world of oncology and medicine, one patient at a time.

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