Bedrijfsfiche van B12 Consulting BV


Geïnteresseerd in:

Jonge Onderzoekers (PhD's & postdoctorale onderzoekers)
IT, Technologie en Ingenieurswetenschappen

Stand: hal 1 - interuniversitaire Job Market for Young Researchers - 250 


B12 Consulting is an IT services company, expert in advanced software development and artificial intelligence, whose mission is to develop innovative and customized IT solutions to meet the business challenges of its Clients. Our generalist approach has allowed us to develop a solid experience in many sectors, such as healthcare, pharmaceuticals, mobility, energy, industry and automotive. Based in Louvain-la-Neuve since 2012, our team with a scientific DNA has already led more than 400 projects in Belgium and internationally. Since 2022, we are also present in Brussels.

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