Company file of Sitra Invest


Interested in:

Law, Economics & Business administration
IT, Technology and Engineering

Stand: hal 1 - general job market - 197 

057 57 57 44

Company activities

Sitra is an international player with substantial expertise International expansion, joint ventures and a strategic takeover policy have made SITRA Group what it is today: an ultramodern transport company with solid ambitions for further growth. SITRA specialises in the transport and logistics of food products in all of their forms. From local artisans to international multinationals, we offer the best formulas available for every branch of the food sector. Meanwhile we employ more than 1,000 staff and not only do we continue to invest in sustainable transport solutions for raw materials, we also strive for optimum collaboration with our partners. If you enjoyed a good meal today, odds are the ingredients of that meal were transported by SITRA.