Company file of Overzeese Sociale Zekerheid


Interested in:

Life Sciences & Medicine
Law, Economics & Business administration
Social & Behavioural Sciences ~ Arts & Humanities
Exact Sciences & Architecture
Young Researchers (PhDs & postdoctoral fellows)
IT, Technology and Engineering

Stand: hal 1 - general job market - 201 


Company activities

Explore the world with the Overseas Social Security! Realise your international dreams with the security of home. Are you a final-year student with big dreams and a desire to work outside Europe? OSS, a department of the National Social Security Office (NSSO), is ready to support your international adventure. We manage social security for people operating outside the European Economic Area (EEA), the UK and Switzerland. Our mission? To make your international dreams come true! Whether you want to become a global citizen or start a business abroad, we make sure your social security is well regulated wherever you go. Dare to dream, dare to do. Take the first step towards a groundbreaking career with Belgian social security at your side.